Thursday 15 May 2014

This Week's News

By Robert (A Virtual Duck), Week of March 11th 2014

This week offered some big news to Xbox owners. The Kinect became an optional accessory, Games With Gold was announced for Xbox One starting with Spartan Assault and Max: TCoB. However, an active LIVE subscription is a requirement to keep playing the games you get free with the program, unlike Xbox 360's GWG. Apps were removed from the LIVE paywall on Xbox One, and, unsurprisingly, The Division was delayed until 2015.

My take on this all is 99% of it is good. The Division will be a better game for it, GWG will get better as the deal is more convincing for publishers, apps will be free from their prison of a paywall. My only issue is the Kinect unbundling, but it will lead to a power boost and possibly the almightly 1080p, not to mention more sales. Oh well.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Destiny Cost $500,000,000 to make

By Robert (A Virtual Duck), Week of April 5th 2014

How ridiculous is that?

Across Marketing and Development, Activision shelled out A LOT. $500,000,000 to be precise. Kevin Dent predicts that the game will have to sell 30 million copies within the first month to cover this kind of cost and keep Activision happy.

Man Bungie, what yo doing in there? Are you purchasing expensive jewellery to cover your entire studio with? Halo 4 was the most expensive Halo ever and got nowhere close.

As KingBSon seems adamant on explaining on Twitter, Destiny seems clearly meant for PS players to get their Halo fix. I personally will only pick it up if I can get it cheap in a sale, and otherwise I'll wait for Halo: Xbox One.

What do you guys think?