Tuesday 6 May 2014

Destiny Cost $500,000,000 to make

By Robert (A Virtual Duck), Week of April 5th 2014

How ridiculous is that?

Across Marketing and Development, Activision shelled out A LOT. $500,000,000 to be precise. Kevin Dent predicts that the game will have to sell 30 million copies within the first month to cover this kind of cost and keep Activision happy.

Man Bungie, what yo doing in there? Are you purchasing expensive jewellery to cover your entire studio with? Halo 4 was the most expensive Halo ever and got nowhere close.

As KingBSon seems adamant on explaining on Twitter, Destiny seems clearly meant for PS players to get their Halo fix. I personally will only pick it up if I can get it cheap in a sale, and otherwise I'll wait for Halo: Xbox One.

What do you guys think?


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  3. Could well be one of the biggest games of the year. The definitive version will be on PS4, with better graphics, exclusive content, and earlier access to the beta. $500,000,000 too.

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